ADA Seal of Approval

By now, you’ll no doubt be aware of the importance of taking good care of your teeth and gums.

But deciding which toothpaste, toothbrush or mouthwash you should use to do that can prove daunting, given the vast array of choices out there.

Enter the ADA’S Seal of Approval, which makes this decision-making considerably easier.

If you choose a product bearing the Seal, as it’s commonly known, you can be confident that you’re choosing a product endorsed by dental professionals.

How it all works

Products bearing the Seal are tested by a team of expert dentists to ensure they work exactly as the manufacturer says they do.

These dentists also check that the product meets the relevant Australian standard, which are quality and safety criteria set by the government.

Products are only awarded the Seal if they tick all these boxes.

And the rigorous standards don’t stop there, with products undergoing re-testing every three years to make sure they still work exactly as they did when they were first tested.


Use of the Seal cannot be “bought” by a manufacturer either.

Which means you can be certain that any product bearing the Seal has it because it deserves it, and not simply because someone paid to use it.

So you have the peace of mind of knowing that any product bearing the Seal comes with a guarantee that it’s safe, works well and delivers the kind of dental care you’re looking for.

If you have any particular concerns please call our Riversdale Dental Camberwell clinic on 03 9882 5566.